
Periodontal Therapy

When certain bacteria are present around the teeth, regular brushing, flossing and traditional dental cleanings cannot reach them.  This bacteria, if untreated, can affect not only the mouth but also the entire body, including the heart.  If a dental exam indicates that this bacteria is causing damage to the supporting tooth structures, we may recommend periodontal therapy, also called scaling and root planing.  This means the area will be numbed and deep cleaned.

Cosmetic Procedures

Some people elect to make changes to their smile for self-confidence.  We offer services to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted, including tooth whitening, porcelain crowns, and implants.

Root Canal Therapy

When a nerve inside a tooth dies, a root canal can allow the tooth to be saved.  The nerve of the tooth is removed and replaced with an inert substance and sealed from the bacteria in the mouth.  When a back tooth is treated with a root canal, a crown will also need to be placed.


Implants replace a tooth by placing a titanium post inside the bone where a tooth is missing.  They are the tooth replacement that most feels like a natural tooth.  They are a long-lasting wonderful way to replace a missing tooth.


Bridges fill a “gap” between two teeth by placing crowns on either side of a space (anchor teeth) and placing an artificial tooth between them.  They maintain the arch so that teeth do not shift and help aid in chewing, smile aesthetics and bite.

Partial & Full Dentures

When people are missing some or all of their teeth, they may elect to have a removable appliance to replace them.  They can aid in smile aesthetics, chewing, and speech.  These appliances are custom-fit to give patients the best fit and function.


Crowns cover the entire surface of the tooth in order to protect and strengthen it when the needed restoration is too large for a filling.  They may be indicated for large fillings, fractures, decay or when a tooth has a root canal and needs protection from future breakage.  We offer both gold and tooth-colored crowns to best serve all needs.

Composite Fillings

White fillings that are placed to repair decay, fractures or chipping, unwanted spaces and worn teeth.  They are tooth-colored and therefore very aesthetic.  As with all dental restorations, they will wear over time and will eventually need to be replaced, but are very durable and can be expected to last many years.


Sealants are a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of molars, helping make deep grooves more shallow and easier to clean.  They are most often placed on children upon eruption of the permanent molars but may also help adults.

Fluoride Treatments

Topical fluoride aids in cavity prevention and is almost always used in preventive care visits for children.  Many adults can also benefit from fluoride too!  Ask us what your options are at your dental cleaning visit.

Home Care & Product Suggestions

Our dental hygienist is an expert in oral hygiene and has many ways to help you improve the cleaning of your teeth.  You may also benefit from products such as flossing devices, electric toothbrushes or specialty toothpaste, and we will help you find products that work for you.


Sealants are a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of molars, helping make deep grooves more shallow and easier to clean.  They are most often placed on children upon eruption of the permanent molars but may also help adults.

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